
Posts Tagged ‘black olives’

Black Olive Sable Cookies

June 17, 2011 3 comments

If you haven’t read the title, i think you wouldn’t have guessed in a million years what those black stuffs in my cookies are.

Well, they are black olives.

Okay, did that weird you out?

But waittt! Before you go clicking on the ‘x’ button on my page, please allow me to have a  squeak to convince you on these cookies.

 These cookies are a Pierre Hermes creation. The mad genius who seduced the world with his famed macarons.  

Okay, did that work?

It must be if you are still reading this.

Using Extra Virgin Olive (EVO) oil, these cookies were still light and crisp. They were very tender and they snap with the lightest pressure, without being crumbly.  They have a melt in your mouth quality to them. And of course i bet they are healthier than your average butter cookies.

Tastewise, they were really straddling the fence between savoury and sweet. A very sophisticated, complex taste that you will want to savour with your eyes closed. It’s like a delicious awakening to the tastebuds and sense of smell.

I think these would serve as great appetizers for some fancy event.

And by mean fancy, i am not talking about a kid’s 5 year old birthday bash. Because these are definitely very adultrated cookies.  Delicious, adultrated cookies.

Black Olive Cookies

Recipe taken from Kokken69.